Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the Wheatfield near Williams Port MdJuly 13th 1863My dear Wife:-

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here I am sitting on a rail, with the noise and bustle of war all around me. Yesterday we had but very little fighting and there is not much prospect of any to day. As we were getting into po-sition yesterday for driving the rebs from Williamsport it commenced raining, and you may believe that it did rain, too, my clothes are not dry yet, and we have a drizling rain this morning. You no doubt [        ] reading of men men laying on the field of battle on the ground with their saddles for pillows. Well I have done so ever since we left Poolsville and I can assure you that a saddle is not the worst pillow that ever way.

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I often wish you could have a magic view of us in our marchs and [       ]. Our lives in the field are full of incident, some are pleasing some are amusing, others are sad and painful, but all have a peculiar interest to us.

We have a line of battle over 8 miles long, with over 200 pieces of cannon. Some of which carry 32 lbs shot, and when they open their throats they make every thing near rattle again. It takes 8 horses to draw one of our smallest guns over a good road, and you can imagine how very difficult it must be to transport them when the wheels will sink half way to the hub in the mud.

The sight in front of me as I sit writing grand in the extreme a whole army Corps layinng on a gentle slope to the east, and on the bow of the hill are planted our field

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pieces, pointing toward the enemy, with men standing by them ready to send death and destruction from them at any moment. Every object on the summit of the hill is thrown into bold relief against the western Sky.

I have no news of interest - my little nots every day keeps my [      ] of news rather low.

When you send your letters to me direct them 10th Regt. Vt Vols
1st Brigade 3d Division 3d Army Corps
Washington DC

If I am in a situation to do so I will write again tomorrow, remember me to the children, and your share of my devotion and love.

Ever yoursJ.C. Rutherford
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