Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the Field Maryland HeightsJune 27th 1863My dear Wife.

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I wrote a note to you yesterday, & having a chance to send a letter to day. I thought I would write a few lines again. Just think. I am writing on a box surrounded by thousands of troops and the dice of war on every side, every man full of excitement, and myself with the rest! Some great event is about to take place, and the uncertainty of what that is to take place produces a state of mind that borders on madness or wildness and think you see the truth of this statement when you read this and see the piquet errors in my composition. We are encamped on the Heights where we can look down into Harpers Ferry. the plan is nearly deserted and there is not two houses in the whole town that has any windows in them. The ground where the 9th surrendered lies directly beneath us. We have a splendid win of the rich and magnificant vally of the Shanandoah. There is no more splendid county in the world, but it lays in a barron waste.

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I am well but feeling pretty [   ]. I slept on a bed of rocks last night with nothing under me but a rubber blanket and my old bones did not ache this morning then I am no judge, but we do it cheerfully and call it all in the play = [        ] are all happy and in the very best of spirits, and ready for a fight.

Cant write any more the Port man. Love to children and yourself

Yours EverJ. C. Rutherford

