Joseph Rutherford to Son

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Camp HeintzelmanMay 26th 1863My dear little Son

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I promised your Mother the other day that I would write you letter, and now I am going to just write a short one this time and the next time I will write a long one. Your dear Mother writes to me that you are not very well. I am very sorry you are sick my little boy and I hope you will get well very soon I want you to get smart so that when Father gets home from the War you and I can have some good times together. I suppose you will be glad when you get into our new house. What great times you and little Jacob will have playing in the yard. I want you to be a good

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Brother to the little fellow for he is a smart and good little boy.

I have sent Helen some buds. The flowers are very plenty here and such beautiful ones we never see in Vermont. I shall send with this some Gold cord to trim your cap with. I think you will like it.

My breakfast is ready and I will close this now and write again soon.

Give my love to Your Mother and to your Sisters and little Brothers.

Your affectionate
FatherJ.C. Rutherford

