Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp HeintzelmanApr 20th /63My dear Wife:-

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You will see by the capsion, that we have moved again. Yesterday morning we parked up and started for this camp about 2 miles from Poolville, when we have the pleasent-est camp ground we have had yet. Yesterday and to day has been two very busy days for me, bring obliged to take charge of evry thing pertaining to our depart-ment. No one thinks of asking any body else for any thing or what to do. It is give directions here and then writing an order this one and a pass for another. I hardly got our of my saddle from early morning till night only to

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eat my meals, and I had to direct the getting of them. My temper was sourly tried a number of times in course of the day, but I got along by blowing up the Quartermaster to my entire satisfaction. He undertook to dictate how I should load my Hospital waggons, &c The Col. (Henry) heard of it soon after and went and gave him another setting up and told him that I know my business, and should not be interfeard with by him no how, I have things nearly all night again and things begin to look lovely again.

I have been honored with the charge of the Brigade Hospital no small compliment I can [assern] you. Our Brigade is all together now.

It has been a very warm day to

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day. We were all glad to get into the shelter of our tents when we could. The fields and looking quite green and the trees are putting forth their leaves very rapidly.

I received your last letter last evening inquiring what you should do if the children should have the Scarlet fever? My remedy has always been to give the following.

Rx Muriate of Ammonia 60 grains
Epsom Salts 120 do
Tarter Emetic 16 do
Good loaf sugar syrup with one lemon (sliced) simerced in it one half pint. Dissolve the above in the syrup, and give for a dose from one teaspoonful to a desert spoonful from evry 4 to 6 hours - and if there is much severness of the throat oftener -

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When the fever is high sponge the body all over 2 or 3 times a day with cool water.

As to a Doctor, I presume Dr [Cusine] would do very well, and you could get Dr Richmond if it was necessary.

I would write you a longer letter did I not feel so timed. I am going to write to you oftener than I have done.

Love to the children, and much love to yourself.

Ever your affectionate
HusbandJ. C. Rutherford

