Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Head Quarters Whites FordApr 14th 1863.My dear Wife.

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Here we are yet but expecting orders to move evry movement. We have evry thing packed and haversacks filled with rations, and you may believe that our camp presents rather a disorderly appearance.

As I am writing this there is a terrible battle going on not a great ways from here as there is almost an uninterested booming of canon, almost South of our camp. Somebody will get hurt. God grand that the lives of our friends may be spared. A telegraph dispach has come inquiring if we are ready? and have replied that we were.

Last night Col Jewett sent down for Col Henry and myself to go to Poolville to attend a military Ball. We went of course, and had a very pleasant time of it. I did not [    ] but one but formed seen very pleasant acquaintances with officers of other regiments. There were about 6 or 7 ladies present mostly officers wives. I got slightly acquainted with one of them a Mrs Col Wilson. I had an opportunity to get better acquainted with Mrs Dr childe and I must say she is a lovely woman. I felt proud

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of the attention paid me by Col Jewett at the party. I never had more marked respect shown me by any body than he took particular pains to show me. To tell it in detail would be tedious for you to listen to and perhaps you would think - how flat, but I do feel that you cannot but be interested in any favors shown to me therefore mention it. You should se it to fully appreciate as I did. And in military circles it is of far more importance to the recipiant than in [    ] life. For a commanding officer to talk a subordinate on a level with himself in a social circle is a greater thing than you could really appreciate. I will lay this aside for a while and see what an hour or 2 may bring forth.

I have been out on the hill for the last 2 hours listening to firing at Leesburg & Edwards Ferry. 5 and 7 miles from here. It has now seized. The firing was artilery. What it is or what the result is we do not yet know. The Port Boy is now waiting for this and I must quit. I am very well and keep gaining flesh. Remember me to the children, and write just as often as you can for I shall be more anxious than ever to hear from home, as there will great [        ] where or when I shall get your letters.

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I shall write again next mail if we remain here, or from Washington. I am busy directing the transportation of our stores &c

For ever your affectionate and loving husbandJ. C. Rutherford

