Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp at Whites Ford MdMarch 2d 1863My dear Wife,

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I received your letter of Feb 26th on the evening of the 28th. I feel bad to think that you have been so many times disappointed about my coming home, for you certainly cannot want to see me more than I want to see you.

You told of Capt Barttetts saying that It was no trouble to get a leave of absense if a pressure course was taken. He being faired with are without any trouble does not follow that every one will be so highly favored. Quite a member of officers in our regiment have tried and failed, myself among the rest. Success or failure depends upon how Genl Heinzteturan happens to feel when the application is made.

Now then is no earthly reason why I cannot go home so far as the good of the review is conserned but there big [    ] are not ground by such circumstances at all. I have made another application for have to go home, but I have but very little hopes of getting it. Yet if I do not I shall feel very much disappointed. I shall not know probably before the last of this

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week. There applications costs us very much trouble. They have it be sent in by a special messanger on horse back. And to go 40 miles and back again in half leg deep of Md mud is no light task. It takes time to go and come and he may have to wait 2 or 3 days there before he can get an answer.

You spoke of paying all your money away. I do not mean to pay any of my old depts so long as I am in the Army. If my creditors cannot not or will not fight for their country they must wait upon [    ] that do that is all. They try all they can to injure our cause their filch our hard earned money from us because we are in the army. I wont stand this Shenanigan.

You spoke of the note of Mr Parkers - tell him that he shall have his money next pay day - The little mare is worth every dollar of it and I do not know what should have done without her.

My letters to you must either misscarry or are [        ] from some one of the P.O. between here and home. I dare say their has been over one hundred letters sent from our regiment home with many in there that have now reached this destination. I write evry week and often

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twice a week. Yet you do not get more than 2/3 of my letters.

I have not much news except to say that we have had a visit from Austin Foster. He left here for home this morning. He was very much pleased with the appiasan of things here and enjoyed himself very much.

We had a big scare last Saturday. Major White the [     ] Guerrilla chief went into Leesburgh with a whole Brigade and cut up generally - Leesburgh is in sight of our camp - being about 7 or 8 miles from it. We had no fears of his crossing the river - but we did entertain fears of his blanting his battery on a hill just across the river from us and under take to Shell us out. His own house stands on this hill in plain sight, and we can see his nigger at work around the house. He has gone now over into the Shenandoak Valley and shall probably hear nothing from him at present.

I went to Portsville to day - and saw a shame fight, which was splendid and very exciting. My little mare behaved like a lady she got excited but was not afraid of the firing - I rode with the Staff right into the thick of it and she did not flinch a hair -

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They had 6 [     ] of canon 2 regiments of Infantry and one of cavalry. The noise of the guns clash of Saber and the shouts of the men when chasing bayonet was deafening. Not a single accident accoused. We are in a perfect nest of vipers, no man can be trusted.

Tell Helen that I received her very kind letter and should like more of them. Did she get mine with the Photograph? and what do you think of it? Dont you think I have filled up in the [         ]?

If I go home I shall stop over in Baltimore to get some little presents for the children &c &c &c The health of our regiment remains good - though there are a number of cases of small pox in the Brigade. You must save the scabs from the childrens arms for me, as it is very difficult to get matter here, and I have over 400 more to vaccinate.

My health remains good and if you do not get letters from me regular you must not imagine me sick for if I am taken sick I shall let you know at once.

Give my love to the children and accept thousands for your dear self.

Your affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford

Mar 3d It is so warm to day that it is really uncomfortable much differant than what it is with you I think.

