Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp at Whites Ford MdFeb 3d 1863My dear Wife,

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For two succession mails I have received no letters from home. It was some disappointment as I supposed you was waiting to see if I received yours containing the pictures.

We are having very severe weather here now, nearly snow enough to make good sleighing the ground frozen very hard, and so rough that it is next to impossible to move. It would be nothing strange however if the mud should be half leg deep by tomorrow night. But we are very fortunate situated as regard sickness. We have only 25 sick in hospital and all, while the other regiments in our Brigade number from 154 to 172 on their daily sick list, and by then who inspect our arrangement, attribute the differance to the care which the men [      ]. I am in charge now and have been for 12 or 14 days Dr Childe having gone to Vermont to get him a wife. I expect him to return next saturday then I shall try to get a leave of absense but it is very doubtful if I get one. Yet I shall try hard. I have but very little to do now, so I leave an execlent chance to read and port myself up in

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my professional studies. Then I put the Hospital attendents through a daily drill. I tell you it would do your soul good to see how nice I keep things in my department. The inspectors General was here last Saturday and went all through my department and told me that it was the best he had seen - and I know that in his report to the war department he marked it the very best. Our Col saw the report, in fact the whole regiment marked in evry thing Best. You see I have a little of the soldiers pride for any thing that concerns our regiment, and will I may.

You can hardly imagine, and it fins out blood to read and see what consumate fools the people of Vt are making of themselves in regard to the War. Because they have to pay a little more taxes they would sacrifice their all except then money for the sake of peace no matter how dishonorable it may be. They complain of the great pay which we remain &c &c and do not take into account that we have to pay $3.00 tax on every hundred that we receive beside our portion of taxes at home. Yet we do not complain. We are for the restoration of the Union, and mark the signs of the times it shall be so if it must be so by the declaration of a Military Dictation. The best men in the country are in the army and they

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can control the matter as they please. The Secessionist of the north may rave and rant as they please we of the army are determined!!

So much for the army - but I cant help feeling outraged when I read of our enemys in the rear.

My health is good in fact was never better I can endure all kinds of hardships and come now bright as a dollar.

The mail carrier is standing at my elbow for this letter. Hoping I may see you all before long. I request you to kiss the Childeren for me - and accept much love for yourself

Your affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford

