Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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WhitesfordJan 20th 1863My dear Wife

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I have just received your letter of the 13th inst. I think I have received all your letters written lately. I was very much relieved to learn that Kitten's [    ] was well, but it makes me shudder when I think of what a narrow escape it was for her.

You tell me that there are many cases of Diphtheria with you - Now if any of our children should have it which I pray they may not - I want you to give them a prescription of the following. Take a Munate of Ammonia (Sal amoniae) 60 grains. Epsom Salts 1/4 oz and good syrup made of loaf sugar 4 oz and mix them. The dose is one teaspoonful every two or four hours, with a blue pill

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at bed time. this is the treatment that I used at home.

You made a mistake about the doctor that wanted to go home to get married. It is Dr Childe has been in the service over 20 months and has never had a leave of absense, which fact rather entitles him to one.

And if he cannot get one there will be very little chance for me. If he gets one I shall try as soon as he returns. He has gone to Washington now to see what he can do. You, nor the children do not want to see me more than I want to see you and them.

I wish you had sent Helens likeness to me, how glad I shall be to get it. Send it the very next time you write, and if you have got the rest of them and

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yours send them along at once.

I want you let me know if you get that money by the express, for I shall feel uneasy until I hear I did receive both Robinson's & Parkers letters, and should have answered them before.

Tell Mrs Page that I have not seen Lewis Woods since we left Camp Grover. He was then sent to the Genl. Hospital with the rest of our sick. When we move from a place if it is possible or send our sick to the Genl. Hospital as it is very bad to move them in the field. Woods was doing well when I saw him last. You must give my regards to Mrs Page, and tell her that I have often thought of the talks we used to have about the war.

If any one thinks that the army is

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doing nothing they had better come out here and see for themselves, or try and see if they could better it. It looks my absend for them at home sitting on their S.S.S croaking about what they would do or what ought to be done. Let them come out here and wade knee deep in mud and then tell how large arrives with heavy artillery to move, can be expected to fight a willy for. Because it touches their pockits a little they all at over became very conservative. But they cannot help themselves, the army is in the field and that any must and will be supported for it has the power to enforce it if not willingly - formably - The South must be conquered! If I get leave to go home I shall go and see Sargent. Give my love to the children and accept occurs for your dear self.

Your affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford

