Ransom W. Towle to Sister and Friends

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Camp in the Fieldbefore RichmondJune 22nd 1862Dear Sister & Friends

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Your letter No. 29 rec’d Today Sorry to learn of the poor prospect for Crops at home.it seems difficult to believe having freezes at this Season. here it is hot enough to boil eggs any Day and all Crops are looking very promising Our Picquet line is in an Oat Field where oats are up shoulder high An adjoining Wheatfield corresponds. Peaches nearly grown and apples promising Day befor yesterday no mail went out to take out my line home Yesterday I was a little unwell and rather busy and did not write. Contrary to Everybodys expectations there was

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no movement Friday nor yet at all that is a general Engagement when it will come I dont dare to guess. There seems to be large forfeits at stake on the issue of the Battle of Richmond If the Enemy make a stand and gives battle it looks as if it must be their final stand. They have chosen their own ground and got the advantage of position. An attack must be made up a bluff over natural obstructions and in the face of a succession of Rifle Pits and masked Batteries. The Rebs seem to be trying our strength pretty thoroughly two miles to the left from here in front of the Railroad Station where all our spplies now come they being shipped up the River to Whitehouse Landing thence by rail one prisoner taken yesterday says they are bound to get possession of our Supplies there. Last night they advanced in force upon our Pickets one mile to the left to try our strength Our Picquets fell back on Reserve which was reinforced when the action became spirited finally some of our big siege guns were brought to bear and settled the hash with Grape and Canister Losses heavy on both sides but the figures I have not yet learned All is very quiet in our front. Picquets within twenty rods in some places. Sometimes they get together swap Canteens Coats Caps Coffee for Whiskey and exchange Papers and have a good time generally They say they get no tea or coffee but plenty of whiskey. They are very busy fortifying and things look far more like a fight than

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they did a week ago. Our Boys feel confident of success perhaps too much so. I fear they do. If fighting is done here it will be the most Sanguine Battle of the war They know if that the eyes of the world are anxiously turned to Richmond and they know their credit goes up or down with the decision of a general engagement here Henry Simonds is getting cough and now our pioneer. The Rochester Boys about the same as when I wrote particularly Eugene Bull from Hancock Recruit in Co E. some sick and a good deal homesick I have paid out most all my money after paying Eight Dollars for a pair of Boots. My appetite has been poor and have bought some Lemons and oranges at ten cts a piece Wish Father would send me a Dollar.

Ever the Same Ransom

