Ransom W. Towle to [Family and Friends]

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Camp in the FieldSeven Miles from RichmondJune 10th 1862

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Oh, the miseries of war Last night at dark we got orders to pack up and at ten to strike tents and fall in for in marching order. Striking tents slinging knapsacks getting on equipments then falling in took just about two minutes. then came forward march whether to Richmond or home we knew not. After moving about 50 Rods we were halted, fronted, Right Dressed then stack arms. unsling knapsacks Pitch tents were the next orders But it being clear and moonlight We were tired – and laid down on the ground leaving our tent strapped to our knapsacks,

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but about 12 it began to Rain we stuck to till about half past two when we were ordered out under arms in line of Battle and stood till after daylight - this we have to do every morning – Then we pitched our spiderweb tents - wrapped up in our blankets and curled down on the wet ground, but the Rain poured down the wind whisked and howled, and drove the Rain over under around and through our gossamer houses till we were as wet as if we were outside. The rain still comes but the wind has gone down. five Co’s including E. went on Picquet at 9 o’clock and I with the cooks - Ira Stevens & Eugene Harvey and Horace Brink who is unwell are left in Camp to Shiver away the dreary Day as best we may. I would give five Dollars to lay in your Hog Pen through another such a storm. It is this that kills the men and the only wonder is that it dont kill them all. I recd a Flag today and have recd one or more nearly every week. Of Letters I have recd with two exceptions all the Nos. up to 27. Henry Simonds has been the Pioneer - there is one from each Co. - they do no Military Duty but are employed cutting and repairing Roads, making bridges &c. and get twenty five cts Extra pay. Henry is now quite unwell and looks like a shadow he has been on Duty till yesterday but he has got to lay by for repairs or go by the board. His only trouble is general Debility, Diarrhea, loss of appetite &c.that ails so many here

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brought on by fatigue and want of proper food. Such was the case with Ben Wood who is, or was last I knew, at Philadelphia Hospital Jared Jones and Rob Whitney we left this side Fortress Munroe Jared had a slow fever and was a little deranged David Wiley is a good deal run down but keeps out of the Hospital yet the balance of the W. R. Boys are all right. Albert Kinsman is just as fat as a Bear but it is not Solid flesh but got on by a sort of morbid appetite and I am looking every Day to see him take a down hill slide for his Countenance is looking very billious - a peculiar hue that always precedes a morbid Camp Disease For my own health. The measles left me with a Cough and Phthsic that kept all winter more dead than alive and every little cold or exposure used me completely up but I managed to keep on Duty most of the time and grunt it out

