Edward P. Stone to Family

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Camp near Harrison’s Landing, Va.‘62
July 29 or 30 – WednesdayDear Home,

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I[t] seems a good while since we last heard from you. Father has so much writing to do that he ought not to be troubled to write to us so often as we want to hear Can’t Mary & Maria do it? We like their letters that tell all the little things about home. Is Marge at home yet? John got me to superscribe an envelope the other day, in- tending to write for both of us, and afterwards was in doubt whether it would reach her, as we thought it was a out time for the term to close. I am not certain

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whether I have written to her since she wrote last. We are getting through the month of July much more comfortably, that I had expected having a cool breese every day. We have plenty of good water, whatever the newspapers may say to the contrary, and lately the men all have good potatoes, onions and other vegeta- bles with plenty of flour and the[y] have been building brick ovens to bake in.

The sick have ice and many other comforts which have sometimes been wanting.

We have commenced a daily prayer meeting in the brick church, which prom- ises to be well sustained and to sustain and bless us in return. One of our most amiable young men, a son of Judge Swift of Middlebury, died right before last

