Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No. 29Brandy Station Va.April 16th/64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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Once more I seat my self to write to you that you may know about my health & situation which happen to be just as they have been all winter, my diarhea that I wrote about is well, cured.

The letter you wrote the 8th I rec'd the 14th. I wrote the 9th that I had sent $20, by express but the rivers were so high between here & Washington that the mail was delayed 2 or 3 days. The money is in Montpelier before this time if it is ever a going to be.

I should think that you was geting worldly to take your writeing materials into the woods but it is not so bad a way to write

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after all when one gets used to it. I have not used a board or a bench since I left home, but hold my portfolio on my knee & I dont see but I write just as well & better than when I had a table.

There has not been a chance to have a photograph taken this winter, & now the citizens have all gone back to Washington setlers & all, as quite a number wanted my picture I concluded to get some like the one in this letter, they took 4 on one plate & to one sitting, then cut then apart, piece for the 4$2, such as I sent you before east $1. I have just put one into a letter for Aunt Elisa. I am going to send one to Frances & to Harriet I had a couple of papers come from Mass. last ngith Aunt E-

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sent them & with them a bit of a letter, she said that she had got home from West Acton, but her health was not much better than when she went there, she said she was talking now of making you a visit, she said that their family were all well as far as she knew. Ira has not gone yet, the weather remains the same it rains to day, 2 drafted men deserted from this Co. a few nights ago they were taken the second day & are now in the division guard house, one is from Hyde Park the other from Wolcott neither of them half witted, you asked who you should write to if the time should ever some that I could not write. If you ever have good reason to think things have taken a reciever turn in my [] you can write to the

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Chaplain, & give him my co, & [] & you will be sure to get an answer, for he is a nice man & is willing to do all he can. I do not know his given name his sir name is Roberts, if you put on Chaplain Roberts 4th Vt Rergt Washington. D.C. he will be sure to get it. I got the stamps you sent, I suppose you got the letter in which I wrote about the Repository. I dont think of any thing more to write now so I will bid you good bye for this time

B.P. SparrowB.P. Sparrow

