Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No 27Brandy Station VaApril 6th/64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I rec'd your letter dated March 27 or the eve of the 4th. It had been nearly 2 weeks since I had heard from you & as you said that you wrote every sunday I think I must have lost a letter. I got the 10 postage stamps in the last all safe. I has been cold chilly wet weather lately, the worst time for health I have seen since I came to Va. I am not very well just now, but nothing serious only a turn of the diarhea, it has been quite bad, but is not so bad as it was, I have had it some over a week the Dr. has excused me from duty the last 3 days, I shall get over it soon I guess.

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The Paymaster made us a visit last sunday, we got 2 months pay. I shall send some home now right a way, the way that I did the other. I will write again let you know when to look for it, I rec'd the papers you sent, the more I read those papers the more I want to, so I have concluded that to subscribe for the Repository & have it every week is money well spent, & I want you should start it for me the first time you go to Montpelier day after tomorrow you know is my birth dady which perhaps if I was out of the army I should think was quite an event in my life, but as nothing uncommon is likely to take place in this monatonous way of living by which I may remember that period of life which is looked

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upon by many as the time when young men take upon themselves the duties & responsibilities of men. I will cause one to transpire that will answer the same purpose & at the same time afford me considerable pleasure & much information on different [tapies] that will be of use to me, that is to Subsesafe for the Repository. I have not heard yet what the result was of the second town meeting in Elmore, but I should think they that if they did received that vote they would be so ashamed of themselves that they could not feel very comfortable away from home after seeing what Morristown has done, Ira is here yet, his health is about the same.

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I am glad to hear that you like so well anyone new farm & that you have got such a nice sugar or chard, you said you should like to have hazel show me the farm. I think you [] have to put it off inst about one year & then I hope & think that the war will be over; dont you & when Gen. Grant gets his army reorganized to suit him & his plans laid he will strike where it will tell. I dont believe that authorities in Washington does [] his plans []


Ira sends his respects to you & says he will write when he gets into his new quarters if not before.

