Bradford Sparrow to Alner D. Sparrow

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Brandy Station VaMarch 9th/64Dear Father

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I wrote take my pen to write you a short letter to inform you that I have just received a Receipt from the Chaplain which he took from the Rail Road Co, for the $57.00 the he expressed for me, the Receipt is dated Feb. 28th so I suppose that the money is in Montpelier now. The Receipt states that the co will not by liable for any loss unless there be a written claim presented at the office where the Receipts was given within 30 days from the date of the receipt, this I inform you of so that you will try and let me know whether the money arrived safe or not soon enough so that I can secure it in case it should be lost, I have no news to write I am well as usual & Ira is about the same & so is Swift. I suppose you are morning about this time so I hardly know where to send this letter to have you get it soonest, but I will send one ot Calais & Elmore both so to be sure to have you get on eof them.

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I should like to hear what purchases you made at the auction & how you come on moveing &c when you get time to write so much I suppose you are pretty busy now or will be by the time you get this, for it is about time to be makeing sugar. I hope your sugar place will pay better then the old one to the weather continues fine, withe the expectation of a drizzling rain for a couple of days. I expect every week when the spring rain will set in, in good ear must & all Va. will be floating in mind. I dont think of anything mmore now so I will close this & write another like it to send to Calais

Yours TrulyBradford P. Sparrow

Pleas to send some stamps as soon as convenient B.P.S.

