Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No. 12Hospital Near RappahannockStation.Nov. 8th/63Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I improve the first opportunity to answer your last two or three letters you will think perhaps that I am getting fancy like by using red ink but I got all out & you can't guess what this is, well it is the juice of garget berries, it makes a very good substitute. We moved yesterday from Warrenton here I was not able to march so they let me ride in an ambulance I had gone from the Hospital to my company three days before but had done no duty & carried no gun, there was quite fight last night but my being sick I was not there, my Reg't was engaged. I dont know where Ira is but I dont much

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expect he was able to keep up with the Reg't marching so I think he was not in the fight. I am about a mile to the rear, my health is in proving I have got rid of my fever my diareah is getting a little better & I am gaining strength slowly. Swift is well, now I will begin & answer your letters. Father speaks of the prices of produce, I should think it was quite a good year for farmers, large dairy men will make a pile this year. I should like to []know what Rob. Hill gets for his butter please to let me know what you get for yours when you find out. I think Alphcus did well with his, you said Moses was all courage about the war & that the rebels had called home their ministers from England. I hope it is a hopeless case for them that way but []am afraid not. I understand that Charleston is being shelled but dont know certain, but from all accounts

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we shall get the place by winter, the fighting that is going to end the war has got to be done down that way, but they are raising hob with out best Gen. down there Roserans I mean, no doubt you have read the account before this there is no army that can take Richmond from this way & I think that is reason why Meade has never tried it. I want you should look out that Albert dont get a notion to enlist for any of these great bounties them that enlist for these bounties expecting to be discharged when the war is over will get sucked in they will be kept their time out. I think it strange Alph. can't get a discharge nor [] low neither. Mother, my stockings wear well I have not had to mend but one hole my towel & kercheif last well, the Chaplain found out much yet but he is called a good man the boy say that in time of battle he goes on to the field

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& helps take care of the wounded. I have not heard him preach. Ira has he says he is no preacher, when I was in the Hospital he came in & asked me where I was from, he asked me if I knew Mr Parker he said he seen him at his meetings at Barre, he spoek about his singing. I get along well washing my shirts dont have any trouble at all, you said it seemed like a long time since I left & hoped I should not have to stay three years. I dont think I shall have to. Gen. Howe commands this division & Gen. Sedgewik the Corps. Albert wanted to know how much I weighed I dont know, since I was sick I am poor, before the march I was fat but was not weighed

Nov 10th The sick have been order forwar to their reg'ts on foot, that caused me to stop writing the Dr, said it was not over a mile, but when we got there the Division had advanced some miles, it was the night & we had to lay out. I expected to take cold but did not, next morning we started & gained the reg't about two o'clock pretty soon they moved, went 2 or 3 miles got there after dark another night I laid out but was with the reg't I got my knapsack carried the last move, to day I am quite smart my diareah I hope is better, my bowels have not moved for aobut 48 hours. Our Capt, name is Fisher I never see him he is at home on some business, the boys say he never will join the company again he will be promoted! Lieuts name is Carter 2d Lieuts name Worcester, about likeing them I dont have much to do with them (next sheet)

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You wanted to know if there was any body in the company that I ever see before, there is not, but there is fellow by the name of Coffee that you have seen perhaps he used to drive stage for Dwinell he went out in the first reg't, he is a sargent & a good fellow to he got shot in the leg accidentally by one of our comp a while ago, he is in the hospital at Washington now, the third regt is right with us all the time, I see Lyman quite often he came over just after I got out of the hospital he did not know that I was sick I was in the hospital 9 days had first rate care. I was not very sick, I dont know how far it is to Washington but it is 50 or 60 miles & the 11th regt is near there same where. Curtis put in a word about Calt & Eddie about going to the post office they boys said if they could see me they could tell me a great deal. I like to have them put in a word.

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about things that interest them & should like to hear their stories. I was glad to hear that Kevin's arm got well so quick, tell him to keep eating breat & milk & make his cheeks stick out but not grow so large that I shant know him when I get home & the same to the other boys. What is there about those boots you dont like & how heavy are the boys bottoms. I fyou can send me my mittens by mail & I guess you can I wish you would, the sooner the better for I need them very much it is cold raw weather here now, there was snow in the air yesteryda. I have seen the letter you wrote to Ira he had wrote & an answer before I see him. What kind of a job is it getting out that fine I should think it would be a hard one. I forgot to tell you that when you send the mittens to write the price of them & I want you should set one so that I can feel free to ask for things & I will pay the postage & do the same thing whenever you send anything no more now.

Yours With AffectionsB.P. Sparrow

