Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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No. 5
Alner D Sparrow


Alexandria VaSept 23/ 63Dear Parents and Brothers

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I suppose you are anxiously waiting & watching the Post Office for a letter for that reason I hasten to write. I rec’d your letter No. 2 just in time & mailed you a paper. Last friday after noon one detachment was put aboard the steamers Forest City for transportation south but the wind blew so hard that westaid in the harbor till morning. we run down as far as vineyard sound that day The fog being so thick they cast anchor, but it cleared up in two or three hours & as we went In the latter part of the night the wind started up and we had a

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rough sea for 24 hours which made the boat rock enough to make some pretty seasick but Ira & I by keeping over [] most of the time kept ourselves from being very sick any thing more than dizzy. Monday was a nice warm day & I staid on deck most all the time, a little after noon we got to Fortress Monroe while we stoped a while just long enough to get a fair look at one side & it looks [] certain there is quite a village there beside. Just out in harbor a little way is the place called “The Rip Raps” It is an Island that appears to be all stone where a fort is being built. That afternoon we were taken of over to Norfolk to leave the N.H. boys we passed by where the []

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[] was blown up. It is a low hot place over there we came back tothe Fortress Monroe that night and we loaded some freight a started up the Chesapeake & soon up the potomac & got infront of this place that P.M. but we laid in the boat all night & was taken ashore this A.M & put in a brick building on the second floor with the windows out & here we are guarded but it is as pleasant at place as one can be under guard, it is close to the wharf where there is some teaming & plenty of apples, peaches pies & cakes for those that wish to buy and they are the best I have seen since I left home and pretty cheap, tell Eddie that boys no bigger than he were

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peddling them with a pocket full of [] & he must put in & learn when he goes to school so that folks cant cheat him when he trades, as much as I have seen of this place the buildings look poor and forsaken but they are made of brick & the streets are paved but I should judge that war had made its mask here you wanted to know how I liked soldiering. I like it very well so far I expect base letters as soon as I get to the reg’t & that will be soon tomorrow. I think we had a better dinner today than usual soft bread & meat & cobler with sugar & milk in it it is better so quick. I don’t sum Robinsons family was so completely broke up. Ira’s health is about as it was when he left home. the he has not played any of yankee tricks. My healths he has had no letters from home. My health & Swifts are is good. tell [] to keep full of frolicks & [] me I will write again when in the []

so good byeBradford P. S.

Direct to the 4th Vt regiment Washington D.C. no company at all

