Bradford Sparrow to Father, Mother and Brothers

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Letter No. 4Long Island Boston HarborSept 14th/ 63Dear Father, Mother and Brothers;

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I suppose you see [] my last letters today and will have it answered before you get this but as I expect to leave here tomorrow for Alexandria I thought I would drop a line before I left, you need not write again until you hear from me in Virginia for that is where I expect to go. All stories about going anywhere else I think originated somewhere & died not far off. Last Saturday we had $25 bounty paid to us and when I get where I think it safe I shall send some home but you need give yourself

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any uneasiness about it for I shall write again before I send it to inform you when and how it will come and where to.

When you write again please inform me whether our clothes got there all safe. I have thought it must be they did as you would wrote about them before. I have not heard anything more from [] Addison or the east of them.

I have not felt very well now for two or three days but feel a little better now. I don’t anticipate a very pleasant voyage south. Ira continues about the same, I don’t think of anything more now so goodnight

B.P. Sparrow

