Charles H. Joyce to William Wirt Henry

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Camp near Harrison LandingAug. 13. 1862Bro. William

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Yours of the 9th is here. I was glad to hear from you. I am truly glad if Gov. H. has fixed it so I can get away from old W. I hope he will conclude to give me the 11th if he does I will do something for you. One thing might be urged to the Gov. in my favor is the fact that Gen. Brooks in his report of the battle of Savages Station mentioned my name handsomely, & did not mention the name of any other Officer in this Regt. That would help me if Fredrick knew it – if there is anything you can do or say for me do so & I will make it all right. We are on the point of a big move here – cant tell what it is, you will hear in few days. The Box has not come to hand yet – it will around all right I have no doubt. Thank you for it. Dr. Sawin sends his regards. Write as soon as you get this & let me know if you hear anything. I will send a recommend for you to Gov. H. signed by self & others – will send it by this mail.

Truly YoursC.H. Joyce

