William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Wednesday Dec 14th 1864My blessed one

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To night I am able to give you a little encouragement. Corps Head Qrs. have arrived at last and this afternoon I went up and was examined by Dr Hollman and he told me he would sign my paper, which makes it sure. I shall probably get it tomorrow some time then I shall have to use up the next day in disposing of my Horses (for I cannot get them home) and shall probably get to Washington on Sunday, then it will

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take from two to five days to settle up with the Govt. and get mustered out, so you may make arrangements to meet me in New York probably the very last of next week, and all the instruction will be the same now as what I wrote you from the valley. I will telegraph you when I get to Washington so you can be ready - if you wish to come You better not write until you hear from me again. No news. I am feeling good tonight

As ever William

