William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qrs 10th VtCamp near Middleton VaOct 20th 1864My blessed wife,

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We charged the Enemy last evening and turned our first little reverse into a glorious victory, completely routing the Enemy. We found Captain Thompsons body last night and have sent it to Martinsburg to be embalmed and sent home. It is an awful loss to me individually and a severe loss to his Co. and the Regiment. My own escape was truly wonderfull was hit four times but not hurt. Adjt Lyman was walking beside me

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and when shot through the leg caught me around the neck to prevent his falling, and called for help to take him off. I got all my wounded officers off (except Capt. Thompson) before they fell into the Enemys hands and most of my wounded men. Charley Crossett is shot through the jaw, a severe but not dangerous wound and has gone to Hospital and will probably get home on furlough. He did bravely and nobly. Once I remember of seeing him during a charge we made to recapture some of our cannon that had fallen into the

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Enemys hands. We took the Guns back, and Charlie was one that help do it. The Regt. behaved nobly. My loss is about 75 killed and wounded, which is more than the loss at Winchester. You will get all the main facts of the fight in the papers it is a glorious victory and makes us all proud that belong to the “Sixth Corps” for it was us that saved the day and wrenched a victory from the allready victorious foe. We all feel proud that are left, though sad at our fearful loss.

As ever William
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My splendid old color sergeant “Billy Mahoney” was shot through the heart and fell dead. He was one of the bravest men I ever saw.

The Vt Cavalry did splendidly and Col Wells is all right.

