William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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3rd Div Hospitalnear City Point Va.June 18th 1864 My darling wife

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I have not had a chance to send a letter to you for the last two weeks for we have been on the moove most all the time. besides I could not write myself if there had been a chance, for as soon as we commenced to move my hand was worse, so I could not use it at all, but it is much better now and I guess I shall take command of the Regiment again in a few days. I began to think for a few days that I should loose my right hand, my finger discharged very much and looked bad, but it is all

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right now. We have made another grand flank moovement the fifth since we crossed the Rapid Ann - and in all have been successful. From all I can learn back here at the Hospital we have had very good success in the vicinity of Petersburgh, and as I am writing you now the cannon are booming up that way also up the James river towards Fort Darling We are laying on the bank of the Appomattox river about three miles from its mouth towards Petersburgh, but the Regiment is over the river in the vicinity of “Burmuda hundred”. The papers will tell

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you all the grand things, that the Grand Army of the Patomac have done since I wrote you last. You will find the best account in the “Tribune” also you will find a grand discript- -ion of our battle at “Cold Harbor” I hope you got my letters in good season, so you did not borrow trouble about my being wounded for I see the Washington Chronicle had me killed, and the Boston Journal had me hit in the Head, most of the other papers had it correct that I have seen. I have only received one letter from you since the 1st of June, but there is a big mail due which I

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we shall get tomorrow and if I do get a letter and have a chance to send one out I will write you again, and will go at my writing twice a week again if my finger will permit. It has been awful sore, and pained me very much, and they ought to have let me go home 15 days. Genl. Ricketts applied for 15 days for me but the medical director of the Corps Dr. Hollman would not approve it so I did not go, but you can see how near I came to going; it all rested with that one man. Oh! how I did want to go and how I hoped I could and surprise you, but I suppose it was all for the best, in some way which I cannot see yet. Love to all

As ever William
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[Tracing of Henry’s right hand with the finger amputated]
The way my hand looks now Surgeon Rutherford was the artist

