William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Sunday Eve April 17th Darling wife

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I have just got in of Picket again so you will not expect much of a letter from me to night. I found lying on my table when I arrived yours of last sabboth and although it was four o’clock and I had not been to dinner, I set down before a nice plate of “baked beans” and read it all through without tasting of the beans, did’nt I do well? Well darling I was so glad to hear you was over all your “little difficulties”

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and once more “feeling as good as a little girl” I have talked to you enough about feeling bad about me so shall say nothing more about it – but it seems we have all got to go when our time comes. I see by to nights paper that Fred Drew is dead. John you say is “miserable” while I am feeling “tip top” if I was’nt a “little mite” homesick once in a while. I say “homesick”, it is not that exactly, but sometimes I want to see my blessed good wife and then I “wish this cruel

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war was over” Capt Frost has arrived safe and sound, and says “tell Mrs H. that if “he had not seen her and Capt Ed, he would have lost his whole visit to Waterbury, for although he went twice he did not get a sight of Katie” He says he had a grand visit with you and was pleased. He thought you “felt pretty bad”.

Col Jewett is talking again about resigning – will let you know how fast he gets along.

Now darling excuse me to night for I am sleepy and tired.

that “neat little white envelope” did not fool me at all


