William Wirt Henry to John Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp Heintzelman June 10th 1863My Darling Mary Jane

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Your long good letter of the 4th came by last mail. Glad to hear you are all doing well and that the money I sent in a letter was recd. all correct, hope you will receive what I sent last as well. Oh! darling, how I do love to send lots of money to you. All goes on finely here as usual - no news-.Will Hutchins is all right and has been all the time so are all of them. I am glad the photographs pleased you - tell the darling “little pet” that she may come and see her papa in a little while. What fun it would be for her here in camp after she got used to it. The soldiers would all make a pet of her, and she would ramble all over the camp. She should be the “daughter of the Regt”

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Do not forget to ride horseback every day, so you will not be afraid to ride fast, and every day with me, for I am anticipating such grand times riding over the country here with you, going out and visiting my friends. Oh! it will be grand my old horse you will like first rate for he is an old saddle horse and gallops very easy. Mrs. Dammon (Capt wife) rides him every little while now, and says he is the best riding horse she ever rode. There will be quite a lot of women in camp next winter if we are here Chaplain Haynes says he wants his wife to come out with you when you come. Ain’t he a jolly looking Chaplain? Tell Charlie to learn “Silver” to gallop for that is much easer to ride. Love to all. Am expecting a letter from “sister Katie” every day

As ever YoursWilliam

Capt Dill. is going the city tomorrow to meet Will

