William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Griffin VaJany 26th 1862My good darling wife

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This is Sunday morn, and a beautiful one it is too, but it is not very pleasant here, although better than it has been for last night it froze up and this morning we are able to walk about without getting into the mud. There is no news to write, as everything remains the same - a history of one day is a history of nearly all. The boys are having a very hard time camping out now, but it is the fate and duty of soldiers. I am glad every day when I think I am out of it and can go home any time I am a mind to. And I know, you are glad also and that makes it double pleasant. I have sold twenty five Dollars worth of Elixir and liniment in two days and if the Grand Army remain where they are two months I shall do well but if they should move soon I should not make much. My health is first rate and I am having a good time visiting with the boys. Henry Daniels is sick in the Hospital but not bad, all the rest are doing well. I have not heard from any of you yet but probably shall soon. Tell Katie to write. I would write her but there is nothing today. Ned Wells is first rate.

Yours as EverWilliam

