Charles C. Canning to William Wirt Henry

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Camp in the field nearHarrison's LandingJuly 18/62Friend Henry

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Yours of the 12th is at hand and although you could not benefit me any, still I was glad to hear from you. It has been a long time since I heard from you. I assure you it does me good to read one of your kind letters. Since I last wrote to you, we have changed our position and front, whether for the better remains to be seen, but one thing was very sure, we could not safely remain where we were. It was a trying week for us, but we accomplished the movement in good style and good order, whenever the enemy pressed us too hard we faced about and punished them most severely. Our loss in executing this change was very heavy, but could not begin, with that of the enemy. They lost more than two to our one. Sunday June 29th our Vt. Brigade was in a fight. The 5th Vt. were badly cut

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up, the loss in our Regt. was about Eighty and a part of those were probably taken prisoners by straggling. Obe Hill is all right. Hart Moody I think is a prisoner, as the last we knew of him he was straggling behind. Hartwell has not been a very brave soldier for the last six months. The boys have rather a poor opinion of his bravery. Adjutant Ladd and Lieut. Hoyt have resigned, and this morning started for home. Lieut Gregg has sent in his resignation not come back yet, probably will to day, so that Tyler Bass is almost sure of a commission, which he certainly deserves as he has been a good soldier. That will make Tilden Orderly. Capt. Eaton is under arrest, for not obeying orders, charges preferred against him. I fear it will go rather hard with him. I think he would do better to get leave to resign, which I think they would give him a chance to do, but should he stand trial I am afraid he will be cashiered. They won't let Dr. Carpenter join his new Regiment at present, but keep him at work here. Genl. Brooks has

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gone to Washington for a few days and Col. Whiting is in command of Brigade. Col. Joyce is in command of Regiment. We are having terrible warm weather, which takes hold of the boys pretty hard. Dysantery appears to be the greatest complaint My health is very good, and I have passed through all the fighting and terrible shelling which the Rebels gave us, safe and sound. I think I have been very fortunate since I came into the army. I am officer of the Guard to day. Our guard house is by a church, a very pretty church, carpeted and furnished nicely. I have taken up my quarters for the day in it, and I am now penning this to Henry of Waterbury, (not an apostle) on one end of the pulpit. It is a nice cool place. The old Col. won't allow anyone in it. Keep a guard at each door.

Then Ed Dillingham is really coming to the war as Captain. I am glad to hear it, and if he will only come out here, we will give him a chance to do some fighting. Oh! dear I shall be glad when this war is ended

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I am becoming tired of it. William! I will tell you how you can do me a favor. I do not drink hardly any liquor, but during this warm weather, I would like some good Brandy. We cannot get it here without paying fabulous prices. I wish you would send me one gallon of nice Brandy, and a couple pounds of loaf Sugar to go with it, and if the box is large enough you may put me in a gallon of good Gin. Send it by express to the care of Capt. P.P. Pitkin Ass. Qr. M. Smiths Division, Fort Monroe. It will come through all safe, if you pack it right. I should also like a good lot of cigars, a box. If you will send these and send me a bill I will remit you the amount on recpt. If you have a good medicine for summer & bowell complaints you could sell it fast. Should you bring out a lot, you could make it pay you. I should advise you to come out for a month or so, now is the time while we are idle. Every thing brings enormous prices. It would be the same with your medicines. Come out, I know you can make it pay you. I hope you will fill the above order immediately. Remember me to friends Hoping to soon hear from you,

I am sir Your friendCharles C. Canning
Co. "J" 2d Regt Vt. Vols
Fort Monroe

