William Bruidnell to William Wirt Henry

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Camp near Coo1 Harbor Va2nd Vt Regt Co DMay 25th 1862W. W. Henry Esq.
Dear Sir

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Yesterday I sent you per Adams & Co's Express, twenty five dollars, (&25.00). I wish you to keep it according to the arrangement we made before you left Camp Griffin.

My health is good and so of all the boys except Tilton Sleeper who is quite sick somewhere between here and Williamsburgh.

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We are now about eight miles from Richmond, close to the rebels and bound to whip them out, and take Richmond as soon as possible. Gen. McLellan is proceeding cautiously but surely to surround the city and occupy all the ground as fast as he goes.

The weather is very fine and crops are coming on splendidly. We are all in good condition and waiting for a fight.

Please write as soon as you receive this, and let me know whether you have got the money. Give my respects to all the friends.

Yours for the UnionWm. Bruidnell

