Henry A. Smith to Family

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Belle Island Va Oct 23rd 1863 Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers

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It was with great joy and pleasure that I received and read your letter of Sept 27th It makes me feel a great deal better to hear from home once more and to hear that you are all alive and well and well geting along so well with the work You see I am still a prisoner but my hopes are strong yet and my health is good so I dont borrow any trouble about it Those that have been here the longest are the first to go and we have been here as long as any into about a week and the next boat load of well men that go we shall probably go but dont know when that will be A boat comes up every week or two after the sick and brings

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the mail I gave an envelope with your name and a stamp on it to a man by the name of Crosser he left for Annapolis about the 27th Sept and promised me he would write to you dont know whether he did or not Write to me in your next how you got along haying and harvesting how much corn and potatoes you had how many apples how much stock you keep and so on and how them poor little boys get along I dont think of any more to write this time so I must bid you you all all Good Bye hoping we may soon meet again

Henry A Smith

P.S Direct to Prisoner
of War Belle Island Va
1st Vt Cavalry

