Henry A. Smith to Clarissa A. Smith

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LewinsvilleFeb 6th 1863Dear Mother

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I recd your letter of Jan 25th in due season saying you started the box the 26th which I received las t night I wrote you a letter I think the 24th and wrote for some things that I wanted you to send me but you sent the box sooner than I expected so of course you did not get my letter soon enough to send the things in the box I wish I had wrote for two pair of stockings. The rest of the things that I wrote for last I can do without. The box has been ten days coming all the things look first rate the weather has been cold so that they have kept good I am glad to get the box and am perfectly satisfied with all

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that you sent. We do not belong to Burnsides Army but belong to the defences of Washi ngton The weather is bad now snowy rainy and muddy February and March are the two worst mont hs in the year for mud and storms The Captain says we shall be paid off this week you say the victuals are not very good but I think they are good enough for any body to eat I dont think of any more to write this time My health is good

Write soon Henry A Smith

