Henry A. Smith to Mother

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Chantilla VaNov 20th 1862Dear Mother

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I received your welcome letter yesterday I wrote to you some time ago and must be you have got my letter by this time. I wrote to Frank a few days after and directed to So Royalton I am pretty sure that my box has come to the Camp at Alexandria for a pair of gloves were sent to me with my name on them some thread in one and pins in the other I am going to send for the box by the next team that goes to camp Gene was mistaken about my going out with the regt on a scout for I did go and it is 5 weeks yest erday that we left camp. I expect some of the things in the box are spoiled as it has

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been three weeks to day since it started What do you think of the Captain has he lost flesh or gained. About my growing tall I dont think I have grown half an inch since I left home my health is generaly better when I am out scouting around than it is in camp. it is very good now I shall be glad when I get my box and get some of that Chicken maple sugar and other good things. Bill and Mike have done first rate catching so many muskrats they must be pretty thick this year If you see any of the Sharon folks tell them that Riley Rogers was taken prisoner near Warrenton 5 Nov his folks will be anxious to know where he is I neve r want to come so near it again dont think of any more now

H A Smith

