Henry A. Smith to Family

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Snickers FerryJune 27th 1862Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers

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I received your letter yesterd ay and was glad to hear from you your letters come more direct to me than mine go to you We stoped in Williamsport three weeks then moved back into Virginia went direct to Winchester where we stoped about a week then four Companies C F E and H were detached to come here and guard this Ferry it is on the Shenandoah river General Geary in Command of 2000 men came across the river yesterday on their way to Winchester the retreat did not make me sick though it made me tired and lame let any one ride seventy miles in two days with only 5 hours sleep and if his old Saddle aint sore

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he is tougher than I am my Horse did not have only two quarts of corn all the way most of the boys that were taken go jamed over a wall and knocked from their Horses I will give you the names of the boys that are missing in our Company John Failey of Tunbridge has not been seen since the battle but we have been told he is at Alexandria the rest are Gould Hos kins Rogers Sisson Thurston and Badger Wesley Watts had his Horse shot from under him but caught another you can tell a Shell by the shrill whistle and hear it burst but can see nothing but the smoke when it explodes I hope I shall have a chance to see Carter before long Front Royal is only 12 miles from Strasburg It is said that General Pope is to take Command of the Army

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in this Valley Gen Fremont is going to resign and Banks to be Assistant Secretary of war Fremont has been fairly booted out. the Fourth of July is soon to come I suppose some great thing is to be done about that time. the Boys must Fire their little Cannon and have a good time. how does the rye look and how much Potatoes oats and Corn have you got planted let some good man the job cutting the grass and rye that will take the heft of work of the boys shoulders let the job to some one that will use your own Cattle They are able to do it I suppose the two year old Steers are great big fellows by this time how does that great Steer look and that old mule the weather is as hot here now as it is in Vermont Tell Frank and Mama to write

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in the hottest weather the cherries are ripe now and we have a pretty good time there are more Peaches in the Country than any other kind of fruit they will not be ripe untill August the Farmers have begun to eat their grass and grain there is a great deal of wheat in the Shenando ah Valley you will have to write oftener and send me envelope and paper so that I can write oftener Old Jones our Quarter Master and Lieut Grovers waiter were taken Pris oners George Dodge was shot a rebel with a Charged bayonet told Bishop a fellow in our Company to halt halt no you dont said he gave him a cut with his Sabre nearly took of his arm put spurs to his horse and cleard himself direct your letters as before to Washington I must close by saying I am well and contented

write soon H A Smith

