Henry A. Smith to Family

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Williams Post MdMay 27th 1862Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers.

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I suppose the bad news will reach you before this letter does and you will be very anxious to know how whither I am alive or not the rebels went around the Mountain and come out at New town a place miles before Strasburg intending to surround the whole force but our train of teams started for Winchester early in the morning just as the rebels come out on the road then they began to pour the Shells and bullets into the train. when the Brigade got down there there were about 15000 of them in and around the town as soon as we got down there and was our situation we took a lane and retreated down into the Woods among their Shell and bullets and kept on and got to Winchester about 10 Oclock where we stoped over night they renewed the fight

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in the morning and our men gave them battle for a while then retreated and retreated in good order instead of taking the road to Harpers Ferry took the left hand road to Martinsburg and they did not follow us any further the next morning we forded the river to this place General Shields went to Staunton and left only 5000 men with us which more than half was Cavalry and only five or six Pieces of Artillery. Some of the regiments got cut up pretty bad nearly one third of our regiment are mising Companies A and G got cut up very bad Co A can muster only 18 men and Co G only 8 men our Com pany have lost 34 men I am well and lucky to say did not get hurt thank God We got out as well as we did May 28 the mising men keep coming in over two hundred of our regt are reported to be coming in some of which have

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already arrived our Company have only five men mising now news got here this morning that Generals Fremont and Shields were near New Market following up the rebels ithe a large forde General Banks says that the enemies loss was greater than ours as our men played all sorts of tricks on them I will wend this letter as soon as the mail goes out it will go out in a day or two I wrote to you when we were at Strasburg and I signed the order and sent that back but dont know whither you received it or not tell Bill Mike and Bert to be very carefull about rowing round in the boat where the water is swift or deep and to be careful about going in swiminging where the water is deep I shall write more particulars in my next I must close by biding you good bye and hoping you are all well

H. A. Smith

