Henry A. Smith to Family

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Harpers FerryMarch 30 1862Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers

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the Vt Cavalry is at Harpers Ferry we start ed from Annapolis the next Monday after I wrote we got into Washington the second day where we stayed four days then went to Poolsville and stayed there two weeks then started for Point of Rocks stoped over night then took the Cars and came here our Comp- any is in a house very comfortable I received a letter from you night before last and was very glad to hear from you I carry my shirt and the brandy with me the rest of the things I

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boxed up and left behind it will be sent on before long I dont know how long we shall stay here I like the way my shirt is made my health is good and I am not homesick you may direct to Washington there is no Post office here the rebels burnt it and burnt a good many other houses write soon and send me a few more postage stamps I dont think of any more now

From you sonHenry A Smith

