George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Camp in the fields35 miles from RichmondMay 11, 1862My dear sister,

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I have just received your letter and will answer tho. briefly for I am tired. Since I wrote you last we have been through exciting scenes and have endured some of the hardships of war in enduring rain and exposure and long and fatiguing marches. We little thought one week ago last night that we should have been so far on our way toward Richmond and with so little fighting. Sunday morning 2 o'clock the first men passed over the dom we

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have tho. so difficult to pass and found the works destroyed and a little after four the Regt. passed over. We pushed on nearly all day through works of surprising strength and magnitude where 5000 men could have withstood 25,000. At night the Regt. bivouacked after dark within 2 miles of Williamsburg and as we ascertained as soon as light within 200 rods of their principal fort "Magruder". That day the 6th Monday there was some hard fighting on the right part of Smith's under Gen. Hancock gained quite a success. We got started twice to assist him but from foolishness of something of Gen. Sumner was ordered back and lost the chance of making

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the victory greater. On the left we were not as successful for Gen. Hooker was repulsed three times but toward dark reinforcements arriving they drove the Rebels back and in the morning we found all the works vacated. And now came the horrid scenes of war - lying around, on the battlefield a large plain of 2 or 3 miles in extent were stretched the mangled dead and dying. In one small fort were near one hundred wounded rebels many mortally. Two Cols., a Lt. Co., Maj., and Adj., one Capt. and two Lieut. were dead. This on the right were we then encamped. We suffered but little, not more than 20 killed and wounded while they must have lost some

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4 or 500 - they were poorly dressed and armed with all kinds of arms but appeared to have plenty to eat and that tho is good enough. On the left two whole days did not not suffice to bury the dead on both sides, but you will have the particulars in the papers. Their barracks were very comfortable but disry enough. We remained near there Tuesday and Wednesday and Thur. went over to 2nd NH to see Fred Coff but did not as he was out on duty. On Friday we started to overtake the Rebels 4 o'clock and marched 16 miles - a hard march I tell you but stood it well - next day marched 13 miles - rather hard: We are within 11 miles of the R R now - and we shall have some fighting soon - I like very now - and we shall have some fighting soon - I like very well to be Captain, tho., there is more responsibility - I have good Lieut.

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>and a good company. Everything pleasant in these aspects - In fact I have, but little trouble in these things but have to work hard - now we are moving all this time. I like skirmishing rec. well, and the boys had rather be shooting at the rebels than anything else. There is some danger it is true. I do not know whether the Dr. was accustomed to fees for Horse hire, but suppose he settled with Little at times - we have got to start very early in the morning, so I will write no more. Love to all. I shall send you some photographs for father's folks - shall have some more to send by and by. Write often. I have but little time and no opportunity to write.

Your brotherGeorge

