George W. Quimby to Sister

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Camp GriffinDec 13 1861.Dear Sister,

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I will just drop you a few lines tonight as I send you those on that paper -bill- I am glad to know that you are getting better but sorry that you have been sick so long. but hope you may recover entirely soon and enjoy your usual degree of health - I should have sent you the bill before but I had to go out on Picket the next morning after receiving it from Peck in his letter and the Capt was away from camp

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and would not sign it till today. I hope it will be in season for the 19th at Burlington.

We have gone into camp for the winter it is expected and have a nice comfortable place in the woods entirely sheltered from the cold winds and are fixing up our tents in good shape. My health still remains very good and I am in hopes that it will. Barney Robinson I presume you have seen before now. We felt bad to have him leave for he was a grand and was well liked and I am

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hopes he will get over his lameness so as to return. Capt is pretty well, tho, somewhat [nervous] in attending on his boy that he took who is very sick, but rather gaining now we think.

Remember me kindly to all especially to Peck. Kiss Ida and the little one - what is her name? For me -

Your affectionate brotherGeorge

