George W. Quimby to Sister

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Mrs. Emeline B. Masta


Camp GriffinNov. 30, 61Dear Sister,

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I have been neglectful in not writing to you for so long but have been very busy as we are all of the time now with one duty and another. We have had more than usual to do lately. Last week we had a Grand Review to attend to, marching some ten miles to the place Bailey's Cross Roads. There were some 80,000 men to be reviewed by Gen. McClellan and staff accompanied by Pres. Lincoln, Secrs Seward and Cameron. It was a grand sight I can tell you and one that has never been seen

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in this country before. If I had time tonight I would give you some further account of the Review. The next day we all, that is the Brigade went on a reconnoitering expedition about 8 miles towards Fairfax Court House. Our Regt. went the furthermost by two miles in plain site of Rebel Artillery and Cavalry, but exchanged no shots and came back with about 100 loads of grain. Since then I have been over on Picket twice and am going out again tomorrow morning 4:30. The box containing the bundle you sent me has come and I am sure there never was anything come more opportunely than that quilt and pillow - that night for the first time in some weeks I took off all of my and laid down to sleep

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on a quilt, my head resting on a pillow. I thank you kindly for them. There are not quite as many sick in the Regt. or in our Company as there has been but still there a good many now.

We have lost two men Perry from Irasburgh and Andrews from Canada, both from fever and both stout rugged fellows, when we left Barton and we shall have to discharge some eight more. I think we shall move from here soon but can't tell when or where.

Thanksgiving day was kept in grand old in this camp I can tell you. The Coms. officers, that is Captains & Lieuts. got up a buffet and invited the staff officers and the toasts that were given to the friends in Vermont were not a

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few. The turkey was not missing, tho, the chicken pie was bad still we had a fine supper and one that will be remembered long after this war is over by those that survive. I can't write any more now for I must go to sleep to be in readiness for tomorrow. Love to Ida and what have you named the little one?

Write me soonYour affectionate brotherGeorge

