George W. Quimby to Sister

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Camp Griffin Smith's DivisionOct. 26th 1861Dear Sister:

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I must write you a few words to night tho. I have scarcely time to write you much. You see we have made several advances since I wrote you last, tho, I cannot tell now possibly when I wrote you last or when I was, the time passes along so swiftly. We remained at Camp Advance near Chair Bridge about ten days and were getting along very well in drilling and getting used to Camp Life in Virginia when we one morning about 2 o'clock, we were ordered to have everything in readiness to march at sunrise with 40 rounds of Catridges and 24 hours rations and at that time we marched - all

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the force in that vicinity making an advance of about 4 miles nearly west from Chain Bridge towards Lewinsville and about 1 mile from that place. You may think from hearing so much of advancing towards this place, that there is something hear but I tell you - you are taken in about that. there was one Store Church and five 5 or 6 or six houses, but now all deserted. It is of some importance tho, being on an eminence and where the roads to Leesburgh and Fairfax Court House cross each other being 10 miles from F.C.H. and about 30 from Leesburgh.

We are in a very pleasant place now but not very healthy I think but we are to move soon I think. I have had the privaledge of seeing but a very few "Sesesh" soldiers but have seen a number of "Sesesh". I had 6

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under my care the other night while on Brigade Guard, who had just been in. One of them was worth $150000 and preached the funeral sermon of Jackson the murder of Ellsworth.

Sometimes we have to work hard and again not so hard.

Once when we first came here I was Lieut. of the Picket Guard for 48 hours having scarcely any sleep during all the time - and it was rainy and cold - besides being near the enemy, but after one good nights rest I was all right again.

Last Thursday I was on Brigade Guard getting releived Friday morning and again was on Regt. Guard Saturday being relieved Sunday morning. You may want to know what my duties are at such times. I have about

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40 men or did last when I was on that differs at different places and times. And these are posted around the Camp one third at a time so they are once in two hours - the rest being kept at one place where the Officer of the Guard is stationed and he is a Lieut. who has to visit Guards and give them instruction for 24 hours without any sleep of any amount. This is Camp Guard - Picket Guard is much different. Then 3 or 400 men are detailed with 3 or four Capts and as many Lieuts. these are stationed in advance towards the enemy sometimes not more than a mile. These all under the Field Officer of the Day and they are posted in squads of 4 or 5 at convenient distances from each other all along the lines of the Army reserving 75 or 100 for a Reserve back about a mile from the Line of Pickets. We make out to live very well now - our waiter Marshall Smith cooks quite well

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we have doe-nuts and fritters and very good bread with Beef and Pork with Sweet Potatoes. Tea and Coffee &c, have got a small stove we bo't in Washington to cook in. Can get very good butter for 25 cts per pound in Washington. We are expecting to have a fight soon at least within two weeks and perhaps sooner unless the Rebels run and I do not think they will further than Manassas and I think we may at F. C. H. where they are posted now. To day or tomorrow we move again towards F. C. H. - shall encamp probably near. Vienna 5 miles from F. C. H. I learn from Capt's letter of last night from his wife that the Dr. is very sick. I had heard before that he was sick from a letter from Dorathy but had no idea that he was

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dangerously sick, and I hope now that it is not so bad. I have been afraid the Dr. would get down, having to work so hard and be exposed so much.

Tell him I do not know as he could come over and stop with us if he was not sick and should come to Washington for they refuse passes to friends or anyone to visit the Camps this side of the River unless on very urgent business. I can't think of anything else to write now I believe - I wish you would send me the Standard once and a while or some other Paper and my Altantic and forward it each month as it comes. It is very little time I get for reading still once and a while I would like a little light reading. We are sending home a box of extra clothing &c that we want to get of for we don't want any more than possible to bother with. They will be sent to C. J. Robinson and he will give them to you. There is a vest, Linnen Coat 3 shirts & [    ]. I wish I had my over coat but as Will S. has it, if he will forward you the money at once he may have it but if not I would rather have it sent me for it is just what I want. Kiss Ida and the little one - what name - for me and love to all and my best regards to Peck [    ] J. M. Sartle and all others. Tell Abram to take good care of the pig.

Your affectionate brotherGeorge

