Benjamin F. Parmenter to Brother

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Camp FairbanksJuly 10th 1861Brother

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The fourth is past you doubtless have all the news in the papers of the doings here on that day I wrote Dr. Edwards the fourth has he received it We have had nothing exciting in Camp for a few days past. except the inevitable Camp acidents which always occur where large bodies of men are gathered together Yesterday there was an acident in the Rhode Island regiment by the bursting of artilery cartriges you will see the account of it in the paper which I sent you. Two men were buried in the city yesterday which were killed in an engagement in alexandria

Yesterday morning it was rumored around camp that we was a going to break camp and move into Virginia Toward noon it became evident that some move

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was on fact our things were all ordered to be packed immediately after dinner as yet we had got no definite orders our boys were all in high spirits at the prospects of a move to where we should see more active duty about two a clock the order came to pack our knap sacks and be ready for a march to the foot of sixth Street Washington to cross over the river on to the sacred soil of Virginia We all vied with each other to see who should be ready first and long before the time came we were all ready for the march knapsacks packed Haversacks and canteens filled guns all in prime order our tents were all struck at the same time falling to the south The baggage wagon was a moving one load was carried off from the ground when the order of removal was countermanded and tents were ordered to be put up again and we were to remain where we were for the night This was a damper to us but soon appearances of a threatened storm close upon us made

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us doubly glad of our delay and we prepared for the nights story with a good relish For the past three days the thermometer has ranged 100˚ or upwards the weather has been excessively hot but the shower cooled off the air and we all awoke refreshed after our second encamping experience This morning the Col. read a dispatch from head quarters this morn saying that we did not start yesterday on account of there being no boats to carry us over the river and the want of baggage wagons also that we should start this morning for our destination Where we shall go or what we shall do I cannot say all we know is the order is to go

I cannot tell you where to direct a letter to me again I have not received but one letter from home since I have been here I have writen three letters home I do not see why I dont receive more letters from home This may be the last time I shall ever write you I do not regret comeing here as Loisa Richardson would say I am resigned to my lot wherever it be

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Tell Pollie I am well have not lost a roll call as yet am well and doing well as I know how I have enough to make me comfortable enjoy myself first rate and if I could only call in and see her and Eddy I should be contented to stay here three years give them my best love and see that they do not want for anything to make them comfortable the call is for breakfast and I must go

so good bye
yours in haste B. F. Parmenter

Philips is going to write today our boys are all well Alan is in [    ] for anything If any one is going to write me tell them not to for the present till you here from me again.

