J. Gregory Smith to William C. Holbrook

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St. AlbansApril 25th 1864Col W. C. Holbrook
My dear Sir

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I have yours of 1st inst before me. While in Washington in Feb. last. I submitted to the War Depart a proposition to Brigade the 7th. 8th. 9th. & 10th. Vt. Regts. The Secretary gave me strong encouragement that if the 7th & 8th reenlisted so as to be entitled to the furlough he would comply with my request. While in Washington your brother Frank should or need me part of a letter containing extracts from a letter which you had written home speaking encouragingly of the re enlistment of your Regt. The 8th I know had at that time re enlisted and would soon be at home. Hence I feel strong encouragement that I should accomplish my desire. I have since the recd of your letter recd advices that the Muster in rolls of your Regt have been revived by the Adjt Genl of this state, and I have accordingly addressed a letter to the

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Secretary apprizing him of the fact and reminding him of his assurances in regard to the Brigade.

I hope soon to have his favorable reply. In reference to the expiration of the term of service of your Regt. as also that of the 8th. I obtained from the Dept at Washington a decision favorable to the regiments, fixing the date of the expiration of their term. June 1st 1864. I send you with this a copy of the decision. I will communicate with you immediately upon being advised by the Secretary of War of the decision as to the Brigade. Will you please advise me when you expect your regiment to return home on their furlough - and at what point they would prefer to rendezvous.

I am
Most Cordially
YoursJ. Gregory Smith
Gov of Vt.

