E. R. S. Canby to J. Gregory Smith

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War DepartmentWashington CityJanuary 28th 1864.Sir,

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The Secretary of War directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 4th instant relating to the expiration of the terms of enlistment of the 7th and 8th regiments Vermont Volunteers.

In reply I am instructed to inform you that the term of service of these regiments is determined by the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Vermont, approved November 12th and 16th 1861, and that the same rule will apply to the batteries organized under the act approved November 21st 1861. The men belonging to these regiments and batteries can, therefore, we enlist as Veteran Volunteers and are entitled to all the privileges and benefits allowed to this class of soldiers.

Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant(signed) E. R. S. Canby
Brig General, A. A. G.

His Excellency J Gregory Smith
Governor of Vermont St. Albans

