Francis C. Williams to Frederick Holbrook

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Hon. Frederic Holbrook.
Governor of Vermont.BrattleboroVermont


Ship IslandApril 25th 1862Hon Frederic Holbrook
Dear Sir:

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A sense of indebtidness to yourself & a desire to acknowledge what perhaps I may never be able [     ] lead me to send you a short letters from the Camp of the 8th Regt.

You will be glad to know that we are exceedingly will situated & that the health of the Officers & men is remarkably good While we look back with some respect to the comforts of Camp Holbrook not appreciated at the time they were employed, we have still great reason for contentment at present. The climate is not oppressive, &

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we look forward to the day when we shall be that fit to form out advanced [       ] in active service

Your houses have attracted great notice, & the only regret is that each regiment cannot have at least two for a hospital & store house

You will have heard repeatedly from your son, the aware that he is well. Since I have been writing, this morning, his service has run over the beach, straw & clear, from the front of his men. "Battalion! Forward! Steady"! this grey horse was in sight there a moment since.

We have [        ] established services on Tuesday at which the men attend voluntarily & heartily. Absence from home quickens faith & defense the rely was depen

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dence upon Providence in a marked defree. While at the same time, release from many social restraints & especially the want of woman's presince, [        ] corruption [      ] & manners, in many cases, a sad extent.

I think we shall have a creditable record to show When the time of action has proved us. One then is sure, the [        ] of the Regiments from Vermont is unsurpassed

Hardy, vigorous & intelligent young men compose them & they have been most successfully launched to their rough scene of duty.

I beg you, sir, to accept these few words as an imperfect mark of me sincere respect & regard

I am
[   ] truly yoursFrancis C. Williams

