Justus F. Gale to Mother

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Head Quarters 8thRegt Co AApril 11th 1863Dear Mother,

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I take my pencil to write you one word before we start on our march. our regt came acros Berwick bay into the fires of the rebs the morn of the 9th. our regt was the first to cross- and they have been crossing as fast as 4 or 5 boats could bring ever since - and are not all over yet.

I expect we shall start to day or tomorrow morning; how far beyond where we went the other time we shall go I dont know, but we have got a large force to go on the expedition.

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I am well and tough and hope this will find you the same.

The Elmore boys are all well but Wesley - he has had the dirhea for a few days and is not going with us. I like to forgat one Elmore boy Maj Grout he isent verry well I think he will not be going with us. Our good old Father Col Thomas is with us so we are all right he is as good to his boys as any Father need bee and is proud of his regt. he says he would like to see any thing that the 8th Vt couldent go over or through.

April 21st 1863
After a march of nearly 100 miles and 2 days fighting I will finish this letter we have been verry succesfull so far; we havent lost but few men, and have

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taken 2,200 prisoners, and killed and wounded considerable a lot we are now at Opelusas La I expect we shall go Red river before we stop. I am well and ready to meat the rebs whenever they want to face us. the Elmore boys are all well only Wesley I havent heard from him since we started the 9th.

I dont know when I shall have a chance to write again. please write often. give my love to all. from your unwort hy son


I have recd letters up to the 30th of March

