Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Camp Reno Brashear City8th Regt V. V. M. Co. AApril 5th 1863Dear Sister.

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I take my pen this pleasant Saboth afternoon to answer your kind letter of the 24th. I was verry glad to hear from you and feel verry thankfull that your health is as good as you write to me that it is; I have recd no letter from home since the I recd your letter. Our mails have been verry irregular now for some time. I left the hospital the 27th of March and came to camp and got your letter and am happy to tell you that my hand has got well and I am tough as ever; our regt is moving about from one place to another a most every week; There is a large force coming up from New Orleans some have got here and more are coming. Tell Father I wrote to him once and directed it to East Montpelier.

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We have been expecting to go up where we had our little brush with the rebs; but I dont know as we shall go at presant;

As you said - it has been one year and more since we have seen each other - and truly there had been a great change since that time; I can hardly beleive that such a change had taken place - I often think of Dear Brother Charlie and dream of seeing him and being with him – Oh! I can hardly believe that I shall see him no more on earth, but I shall have to believe it is so - for I miss his kind letters which I so often welcomed: I tell you I miss him in all my thoughts I think of the time when I shall get home if I live how and what I shall want to do to make me and the rest comfortable but the thought comes that I shall have no Brother Charlie to assist me. but let us look forward to that day when death shall no more seperate us. Major Grant is well and makes a good officer

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You said that Mother could not guess what her presant was going to be - but thought it would be something nice from the City. I am inclined to think she was some what disappointed when she found out what it was; nothing nice at all I am sure;

The Elmore boys are all well and living high - and having a good time - happy as a clam in high watter.

I think East Elmore is in high state of cultivation; I hope that East Elmore will get to be the Cappital of the State before I get home; but then I dont know as I want the war to last for fear that wont happen before I get home. I think you have had quite a time getting ready for Mr. Wells to move in; I hope things will go better soon.

I should like to see little Herbert and have a frolic with him; I shall look for his picture before long; If he was here in the tent with the boys - you better I dont feel like saying any thing about that wedding you wrote of. Oh---

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believe he would get a huging by all the boys. We have one boy that lives not far from here (about 6 year old) that comes and sees the 8th Vt every time we come anear him - he is the pet among us; if any one calls him little secesh - he will denie it at once. The rebs up the Teche feel rather hard at the 8th since we went up and give them a touch the 1st Jan.

Gen Weitzel said the other night when we marched up here - that he never see such a regt. he said they would go as far in a day as any cavalry. The bloody 8th stands lofty you better believe.

I have just eat 8 dawnuts and some chease dont you think I am in a suffering condition? I dont think of anything more to write this time please write often and all about the affairs at home and around there; give my love to Mother & Samantha & all inquiring friends.

That niger hominy didnt go at all. Niggers dont suit my fancy at all.

This from your BrotherJ. F. Gale

