Justus F. Gale to Sister

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8th Regt. Vt. Vols. Co. AAlgiers La.August 26th 1862Dear Sister;

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As I have a convenient opportunity I will endevor to write a few lines to you this morning as I beleive it is your birth day. I should much rather see you whare we could talk with each other face to face; but circumstances do not ad- mit at present. I am well and enj- oying good health. although I heard last eavening by a letter that Wesley got from Brother Cooper that it was reported about there that Gale was dead; but I think you have heard to the contary before this time if not I will tel you so now.

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To be sure I may bee dead before this reaches you be that as it may let us look ahead for the best. there was a mail come for us yesterday and all the rest of the Elmore boys got letters but me; and you may guess I was spunkey enough about writing any more unless I got an answer from the letters I have already sent home. but when Wesley told me what Brother Cooper wrote I thought perhaps that was the reason I didint get any although he said they dident credit the report. there hasent been much of great importance a going on with us since I last wrote except there are any amount of darkies a coming into camp here every day; they come in, in squads from 5 to 75 at once; since Sunday morning I should think there had at least 200 colored people come into our camp. they are enlisting the blacks up the river

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8 miles from here. I expect they will send these up there to enlist. they have already got up nearly two regiments of them & I dont know but more. I wish they would arm all the slaves there is in the south and set them on & spat their hands and holler steboy. they are ready to go at the rebels like a mess of blood hounds. I dont see any appearance of an attack on this place but cant tel what will come round before the war is closed; I heard they had had an other battle at Verginia and that Gen Jacksons army was all cut up. I am glad to hear that spunkey boys of Vermont are still enlisting to put down this black unprincipaled rebelion. I am sorry that it is nesicary to call so many to the battlefield; but the more that go the quicker it will bee over with. I read in a letter that Stephen had from Elisons folks that

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Mr Fisk & Frank Wells have enlisted & some others was going to. I suppose that it will make Almira feel bad to have Frank go to war but tel her she must bee patriotic enough to let all that will go, go before they are drafted. The weather here is getting to bee some what cooler than it has been; and as the heat is diminishing the health of our regiment is improving. Charley Cooper is gaining slowly; he has had a pretty hard pull at it but I think he will get along well now. Rufus is about the camp hasent done any duty yet since he came from the hospital. the rest of the Elmore & Wolcott boys are smart as whip. We are expecting to bee paid off before this month is out. they seem to calculate so as to keep two months pay behind if they can.

