Justus F. Gale to Sister Almeda

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Miss Almeda. A. Gale
Elmore Lamoile Co.Vermont


8th Reg. Vt. Vol. [U.] Co. aAlgiers La.Aug Saturday 16th 1862Dear Sister Almeda.

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I will try this morning to write a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope that these few lines wil find you enjoying usually good health I have almost concluded not to write much more unless I get more letters: but perh- aps you write more than I get; anyhow I believe that I have not wrote to you since you last wrote to me & so I wil write one more at least. I have not recd any letter from home since the one that Chas and Herberts pretty little picture came in. I got one from Lyman dated July 20th we are expecting another mail every day perhaps I shal get some letters when that comes in. my health has been the best for a week past that it has been since I came into the Southern Sates. as I havent much war news to write perhaps it wil interest you as much as any thing to tel you what I have been doing and what I have seen since the morning of the 14th.

our regiment is improving in health generally

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the morning of the 14th I was detailed to go on guard; the guard was mounted at 8 O’clock and at ten I went on to my beat & stood til 12 then eat my diner which consisted of beans bread and coffee; after I got through dinner I started over to the City with two others after some prisoners and as we had to have on our wolen coats and gun and equipments you may suppose that it was some warm traviling. we was gone over there til after 3 P.M. & at 4 went on guard again til 6; then eat my supper (bread & tea) then Stephen & I went out and got a handfull of mellons & brought in and eat til a most 10 then I went on guard and stood til 12; then I thought to pass away the next 3 hours I would go out and get some sweet potatoes for breakfast so I passed the guard and went out nearly half a mile and got some potatoes and got back time to go to my post again at 4 in the morn- ing stood til 6 that finished up what I had to bee on duty 5 that afternoon then I went out on battalion drill one hour and then came dresperade after that supper. after I came off of guard at 6 and got my potatoes to eat Albee & another fellow and myself got a pass and went down the river to see what we could see; we went down by several

I have heard that they are drafting men up north for the army

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planters houses and viewed their nice shaded door yards; then we called and asked one man if he was wiling we should look over his plant- ation a little which he verry quick agreed to complied with and sent a boy to show us the plantation. we viewed the large premises a while & returned back to camp. we saw nothing of much import- ance only their large fields of corn some mowing land & a good many weads. their corn is ripe and ought to be harvested but it takes them so much of the time to look after their nigers that they cant do much else. this war is raising the devil with the darkies so I gess it wil bother them to keep them as they have done before the war began. well I have left the text before I got quite through with that; after I had got round with all the duty that I done that 24 hours & all the rest of my tramps I came out strait as a string so you may expect that I am some tough now days. I was weighed yest- erday weighed 155 lbs Steph went in the same notch. the Elmore boys are all on the gain now; Charley Cooper is geting better so he sets up some Rufus has got back from the hospital Wesley is wel as common. I like to forgot Capt. Grout he is about the camp now but is rather weak yet. he is on the gain now. Brother Udal was wel the last time I saw him he is up the railroad so dont see him verry often.

had some pork & beans for dinner

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I suppose the boys have got about done haying by this time wel while they have been to work hard I have been sitting in the shade playing up gentleman. perhaps you wil get it into your head that we are a dirty raged nasty look- ing lot of hyanies or some other wild raving animal but although we may bee wild enough yet we have to keep our dress suit as clean as our sunday go to meeting clothes are. we have our boots blac- ked so they shine like a darkies heel. I gess I have wrote enough of this kind for this time. I hope you wil excuse me for not writing to you before for it isent because I have forgot you but because I have been negligent or something else. I hope you wil answer this as soon as you get it. I would send you some letter stamps but I havent got a verry large supply now & as we cant tel when we shal be payed off again I guess I wil keep what I have got. If you get out of stamps tel Lyman that Jut says let Sis have some of his money to get some with. give my love to all the kind friends at home & except the same yourself. tel Charley to write often and all the rest. my respects to all enquireing friends. this from the boy


