Justus F. Gale to Brother

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Mr Chas. J. Gale
ElmoreLamoile CountyVermont


8th Reg. VtVols. Co. ANew OrleansMay 25
1862 Dear Brother

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I have just finished reading yours & Sis Almedas letters of the 13th & 15th Apr and now I wil improve this opportunity it being Sabbath day to answer them. I am glad to hear from you but wish it could have been that you were all well and tough. I do not wonder that you began to wory about me for I thought myself that we sh- ould never get through; but time brought us around; since we have been here we have had a goodeal of guard duty to do; our whole Company that were able to go went out day before yesterday soon after diner to

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act as police in the City and have not got back yet; they are choos- ing new officers and police here now and this is the reason that so many are called out from our regiment I hope when they get around with this that we shant have so much to do. some of our company have just come in but have got to go right back again; they say the reason of this is because the City police wont take their oaths; so Gen Butler has ordered this. I have not been out for I have not been able to do much duty for three or four days. I have had another attact of the dierehe but have got it chec- ked now and feel some better to day we are loosing now and then one from our regiment there has none died out of our Co. yet; there is two sick in the hospital here and a few ailing in their quarters.

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we had quite a rain last night it is quite cool here this morning there has not been any verry hot weather here yet. I have seen hotter weather in Vermont than I have seen here yet. the woods are lea ved out here and heavy as they are in Vermont in July there are some blackberrys brought in here to sell but are verry hy. I have seen a few strawberrys. provisions are verry dear butter is worth .50 cents per bound, pork worth from 40 to 50 dollars per bbl. some of our boys have been offered 20 dollars in clean gold for a pair of boots that you can get in Vermont for 5 or 5 1/2 . I have not got but one letter from Lymans folks yet since I left N.Y. I have just had a letter from cousin Reuben which anounced the death of Azubah.

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I think Charley you are getting along first rate with the work I am glad you have got some one to help you about the work. I should like to bee there to help you and then we would make things riche again. I think it is luckey for the sugar that I was not at home for I think there would been but little left. I suppose you have got a most through sowing and plant ing by this time. I suppose you have got a little pony to play with by this time, and some little lamb to take care of and look at. but I havent seen one since we came up the river. I saw a few sheep and lambs when we came up the river. our Co. received a lot of news dealers yesterday, some dated as late as May 2d I have not red much in them yet. I should think uncle Perry had been in great bisness for a man of his cloth

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Wesley & I think we are pretty luc key to bee off down heare they are haveing so many young children we think we should hardly be safe at Elmore now days. wel Charley I suppose you are haveing to work hard and having hard times and all the rest but you have the adva tage of me on some accounts you dont have to bee under United States Military officers so that you must go to them to ask them if you may go or do any thing or if you dont feel able to work have to go to the Sergeant to get excused from duty. but all these we can get along with only obey orders without any refusing. I cant think of much more to write now for I see you get all the news sooner than we can send them to you.

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write as soon and often as you can; give my love to Lyman & Almira and give little Herbert a good lovely huging for me. give my love to Father and Mother and all the rest at home. give my respects to all that enquire after the boy that hadent spunk to be a soldier. I suppose you have heard how wel the Vermont regiments done at york town. I must stop for this time.

J. F. Gale

Chas. T. Gale

