Justus F. Gale to Sister

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8th Reg. Vt. Vols Co. ANew OrleansMay 22d 1862Dear Sister

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It is with pleasure I seat my self to write you a few lines; I received your kind letter of the 3d and was glad to hear from you and that it is as well with you as it is; but I am sorry that you have had so hard luck; and Almeda I know a little how to pitty her. my health is good as common; I have to stand guard about once in three days and that is the most we have to do; we are haveing some verry nice little showers here this aftern oon; we have had but verry little rain in these parts since I came here. you wrote that you had wrote three times and Lymans folks twice

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I have received two that you wrote and one that Lyman wrote while I was at the Island; I expect there is another mail that has just come up here that is not distributed yet; although it is not so late date as the one we got last night the one we got last night came through on a steamer and the other came on a sail vessel; the letter that Lyman wrote soon after I left N.Y. march 15 I received the 12 of April and the one you wrote the same date march 15th I got the 29 or 30th of April which was a bout the time you wrote the one I got yesterday; the green mountain freeman you sent me I never have got there has not been much a going on with us of interest since I last wrote; I was not here when this plac- ce was taken but we could hear the guns when they was takeing the

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places below here. you brobable have heard more about the particulars than I have for you have had the off- icial reports to read and I havent seen them; there has five out of each Co. been out on a steamer for a week or more; they had a little skermish with a band of rebbels up the river somewhere; there was none of our party injured at all there was seven or eight of the rebels killed tel Charley I think he is doing first rate in the black peice and all the rest of the bisness; you wrote that you wished you could have been there to taken care of me when I was sea sick; I did not wish you was but I wished that I was at home where you could take care of me there. but that is over with and gone by; when I shal get home you can tel as much about it as I can but the boys generaly think that

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they shal get round home by the time snow flies. any way I dont think they wil get us home any to quick to suit us; I dont think of much more to write this time for my head is not so clear as sometimes I was on guard night before last and I have[nt] been to sleep to day since I began this and I feel like a fool I stood gard right side of the street with only an iron fence between me and the street; perhaps you think I was afraid but I havent seen him yet; give my love to Lymans folks and give little Herbert a good hug for me, give my love to all and receive the same yourself; write often and how you get along with the bisness for I feel an interest in that as much as ever. I am going to put in a part of a paper that I bought the other eave to read and three or four neadles that was taken from the rebels. give Mother and almeda one

J. F. Gale

