Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Apr - 22
Miss Samantha Gale


Ship Island 8. Reg VtVols. Co. AApril 21st/62Dear Sister.

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I wil buisy my self a few minutes this morning in a few lines to you. I am wel as com- mon except a diarrhea that I have had for a few days: but have been on duty every day yet. I feel better this morning and it is no more than what the soldiers have when they first came here. I should like to look into Elmore this morning to see how you all do this spring and how the things are going with you at home. I have enjoyed my self as wel as can be expected conside- ring how far from home and every body else but rebbels we are. it would be more pleasant if we

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were not so far from home and from all the news. we have not heard but little what is going on in the army since we came heare. I received a kind and welcam letter from Brot- her Lyman the 12th of this month & was glad to hear from you at home. I suppose by this time it begins to look quite like spring. I think some times when I lay down to sleep I would like to have a telegraph dispatch from home so I could know how and what you are all doing but this I cant have now. there is considerable talk among the troops that it wil not be long before we shal have a chance to go home but we are bound to see the end of the job. our Co. went out Saturday and fired three rou- nds of catrage at a target for the first time. perhaps you would like to know the price of some of the articles that the sutlers have to

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sel here. they sell cider or what they call cider for 5 cents a glass butter 45 to .50 c. per bound cheese 25 tobacco .75 to 1.25 ginger .50 sugar .25 molasses 1.00 per gall. and every thing else they have according. I have been learning to make don- uts. I have bought about 20 pounds of flour and fried it up into cakes paid 8 cents a pound for flour & sold the cakes for from 18 to 24 cents a doz. we have plenty of grease that we save from our pork to fry them in. I fried some saturday that they called as good as vermont nut cakes. I just about doubled my money by frying them. I wish had a few hundred pounds of new maple sugar here to sell I could make my fortune nea- rly: the weather continues verry pleasant but not so warm as I supposed it would be by this time

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there hasent been a rearl stormy day that I have seen since I was at home last. I never saw so long time at this time in the season with so little storm. I think we have got the best and peacablest lot of boys in our tent I ever saw together. there is 18 of us a tent and I havent heard a word of jawing or fighting in our tent yet but cant say so by all the rest. yesterday we followed one of brother soldiers to his final resting place until the last great trump shal sound. this makes three that have died out of our Reg. he belonged to Co. D. he died with the fever. I never went to a more solemn funeral hardly in my life. the drums and fifes went a head and played a death march and long train of us folowed after marching with a verry slow step. we reached the spot and lowered the coffin into the grave

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they then fired four or six guns three times over the grave and we returned to our quarters. he was buried about sundown. there was one man in Co. F that tried to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a rasor: but did not accomplish his death he didnt cut of the main arter so they think he wil get over it: it was done last saturday. he has been deranged ever since we left Vermont. our regiment is under General Phelps Division. there is some talk that we shal move up the Miss. River a few miles before long but I cant tel. I am want you should write to me often as you can for I want to hear from you and how your heath is. I hope by this time you have got to be smart and wel so that you can walk up to the sugar place

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and eat a lot of new sugar for me. when any of you write to be sure and write the news about the war in the northern part of the army especialy for we dont hear any news from any only what is going on right round here nor hardly that. there isen hardly a paper here to be got hold of and them are near- ly a month old when we get them I suppose by what little I have heard that our army has made some grand moves since we left Vermont and I should think a few more would put the miserable rebbels where they would have to give up or die. Lyman wrote to me that he wasent like to get only about fourteen dollars on that wild land tax that I woked out. I want you should tel him no to settle that if he can get along with out it til can see about it: for I dont see how

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they can get along without paying the whole of it but stil he must do as he thinks best about it tel him that any time he wants to draw my state pay he can do so by sending in his paper to the treasury: remember and put in the letter of the Company before sending it in.

I was quite surprised when I read in the letter that Lyman wrote me of the death of Francis Pecks wife I should think it would seem as though it thined out the neighbor- hood considerable having three taken out so soon.

tel Chas. to write to me every chance he can get and all the rest to for I want to hear from you all. tel him write all abo- ut the stalk how much sugar they have made how the hay and grain holds out how the boys and

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girls get along and any thing that would interest me if I was at home. write to me and tel me how your health and Almedas and Mothers and Fathers is &c. give little Herbert a good huging for me every time you see him. I suppose he has got so he wil al- most run alone if not a quite give my respects to Wilber and his lady love. Wesley wants I should say that he is wel tough ragged and sassy and so are the rest of us not so ragged though as sassy. I wrote a line a few days ago to Brother Chase. I presume you wil see it before you get this. dont wory about me for I am doing wel here. give my love to all and receive the same yourself write as soon as you get this and oblige your brother

J. F. Gale

(S. A. Gale)

