Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp of 12th. Vt. V. M.Union Mills Va.June 20th. '63SaturdayMy Dear Wife:

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Your letter begun the 16th. & ended the 17th. was rec'd this afternoon. I was glad indeed to hear from you but I am sorry that you feel so anxious. If you were outh here you would know better how we are situated. We are notnow at the Mills but are ordered to go to the Shoals in the morning. We are to encamp a mile back of the Shoals near the Fairfax's.

I dont like the move much, but I suppose I can stand it for the next six days as that is about as long as we shall be in the service unless Govt. persuades the men to stay longer. We certainly are needed now if ever. But I dont think the boys will stay. At least you need not be concerned about it until you hear for certain. The troops that are staying are either going into their own state to defend that or have been home for a few days. We should be glad to fight for Vermont, if necessary, thirty or ninety days.

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I was over at Centreville yesterday. The third Army Corps was then there. It is now gone & the second has also come in & gone - the latter to Warrenton it is said - So that Hooker's Army extends from Warrenton to Harper's Ferry - I dont think Zeke is in any danger yet; we have not heard of any trouble in that direction. The Rebs will not take the cars on the Orange & Alexa. R. R. for the reason that our folks destroyed the Rappahannock Bridge. They are not coming up this side of the mountain. There has been no battle on the Bull Run battle field & cannot possibly be for several days even if both parties desire it. There has been more or less cavalry skirmishing on the flanks of the two armies. I saw a Captain yesterday who was in a fight at Middlebury, who was hit twice, his pistol once & his horse twice. I believe I told you about him in my last letter -

I dont want you to worry about us & I shall write nearly every day. We are very seldom in a situation that we cannot write in the course of twenty four hours.

I am not feeling very well today. My head feels as it used to when I used to have the head ache. I expect I got a little cold from getting wet the other day.

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I feel rather cross. It is nothing that will last long I hope. Col. Blunt has been gone all day down to the Shoals & has just returned. He went down to select a camping Ground & it took him all day.

I dont think you need to worry so much about any of us. Zeke's chance of being killed is about one in a hundred - & of being taken prisoner one in ten.

I will write you often enough to let you know where we are & how we get along.

Evening - The Sixth Corps has crossed Bull Run above here & has gone out to Manassas or in that direction. We leave here at six in the morning for the Shoals & I think we move because somebody is afraid. You may guess who if you please - but dont say one word to any one but Laura. I am sorry we are going; if any portion of our brigade is to be engaged it ought to be our Reg't. One of the officers of the 6th. took supper with us. He is Qr. Mr. & says Geo. Burleson is Qr. Mr. Sergt. & promised to send him over here. I have not seen him yet.

It is so cold that I have set up my Sibley Stove & feel quite comfortable.

I really have nothing new to write. It has seemed like Sunday all day today,

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and I have felt pretty dull.

I dont expect to get a letter from you written after you receive this. But I shall think of you often.

Peach has just killed a chicken for our breakfast in the morning. I just heard a squacking. We have had chicken on hand ever since we left Bristoe. He has kept them in a coop the same as at the Shoals.

I will write again tomorrow night & tell you all the news.

Yours most affectionately,Ros

