Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp of 12th. Vt. V. M.Near Wolf Run Shoals Va.June 21st. 1863My Dear Wife:

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I write you a few lines this morning so that you may get a letter every day. We marched down here yesterday morning & got into camp before dinner. We had a fine march & have a beautiful camp - near Mrs. Wilcoxen's.

In the afternoon I went over the picket line with Col. B. to see about strengthening it, & a hard ride we had. We crawled thro' the bushes & forded the river & had a general hard time. I believe I was the most tired I have been at all.

Today we are going again to post the pickets. We shall have to work hard now all the time. We are the front of every thing except cavalry scouts.

Yesterday there was a fight up at Aldie & so down to Thoroughfare Gap, between cavalry & artillery. We heard the firing all day.

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There was also firing in the direction of Dumfries, but that was by gun boats I learn. Lt. Col. Stagg's cavalry came in here last night. They have been thro' from Bristoe to Falmouth & Dumfries & found no enemy. So we shall not be disturbed for a couple of days, at least.

We have had an invitation to join Hooker's Army & remain six months longer! What do you think of it? You need not be at all alarmed for there are not a hundred men in the brigade who will do it - I am sorry to say.

I wish you was here & you would not be half as much alarmed. There are several ladies of the battery boarding at Mrs. Wilcoxen's. I wish you was with them.

I am sorry to go home now - all but one thing. I want to see you & Laura but if it was not for that I should prefer to stay. We have been here nine months & have done no fighting & are going home just as the exciting times are coming on.

I will write again tonight.

Much love to you & Laura

Your affectionate husbandRos.

