Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp of 12th. Vt. V. M.Union Mills, Va.June 17th. 1863My Dear Wife:

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I have just written part of a letter & have torn it off, debating whether to be so foolish as to send it or not.

Lt. Col. Lewis of the 5th. Vermont has just been in here. The old Vermont Brigade is now at Fairfax Station. They crossed at Wolf Run Shoals yesterday. The whole of the 6th. Army Corps, Sedgwick's, crossed there. I was down there & saw them cross. I saw Orin Lufkin. He is looking well but rather thin. Some of the boys that I wanted to see I did not see. They were away from the Regt. when I visited it. I don't know where the Corps is going. They have orders to march tonight. Probably towards Flint Hill. The 3d. Corps Train stopped here last night & are still here. It consists of about four hundred waggons. And there are seven Corps in the Army of the Potomac. The troops of the Corps are at Manassas.

The whole Army of the Potomac has moved to counteract the movement of Lee.

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Genl. Hooker's head quarters were at Fairfax Court House night before last, and nearly all of the Army of the Potomac is now within our lines. We are at the Front in reality, though in less danger than before the Army moved. We shall probably remain here at present & I presume until we are discharged or at least start for home. You will see in the papers more than we know of the movements in this vicinity. Lee is either going into Pennsylvania or is sending a part of his force there with the intention of striking in this direction with the rest. He will have a sweet time of it in either case. You must not be alarmed about us, for I dont think there will be any fighting here. It was a great mistake enlisting men for nine months. Just as our brigade is in the best fighting condition it is to be discharged & sent home. I suppose you are glad of it, but it will have a bad influence on the war.

Write often - every day - I shall have to close here to get this into the mail today. The mail carrier is here.

Yours lovinglyRos.

